Dear Friend (Fall 2008)

Our Thoughts on The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Other Stuff

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Enthusiasm about this letter-writing project! Yes!

A few notes, though:

-By my count, 2 of you STILL HAVEN'T CREATED BLOGS and sent me the link. This is no good. You must know who you are. Get this done!
-Make sure you post your letters to the blog you created, not to the team blog.
-If you don't follow the prompt, you won't get credit. At least one of you did not follow the prompt in any way.
-Feel free to use paragraph breaks in these letters. I guess you don't have to, but it might help separate your ideas and ease some of the stress on the eyes of your readers. If you're trying to use different paragraphs while posting and it shows up as one, you can always try the HTML code. I can't show you exactly here, because if I do, it will just give me a new paragraph. but you're going to use the left-facing triangle < then the letters br (stands for break), then the right-facing triangle >. No spaces between them. This will give you a break in your text.
-Consider reading some of your classmates' posts and leaving them comments below their posts. I think it will help everyone to know that someone besides me is reading.


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