Dear Friend (Fall 2008)

Our Thoughts on The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Other Stuff

Monday, November 3, 2008

FOURTH LETTER (Assignment)

Fourth Letter
Due: 11/6 @ 8:30 a.m.

This letter has two parts.

Part 1
Using Charlie’s Secret Santa mix tape on pages 61-62 as inspiration, create the track listing for a mix CD/playlist that you would give to someone in your life right now. It can be the friend you’re writing to, though that’s not required. Requirements:

-Your compilation must have at least 10 songs, and the first and last song must be the same (like Charlie uses “Asleep” by the Smiths).
-It must have a title (Charlie’s is “One Winter.”)
-You must explain why the first and last songs are the same – why that song is the most important/meaningful/best song.
-You must finish up by explaining what you hope the recipient will experience when listening to it. Charlie says about Patrick: “I hope it’s the kind of second side that he can listen to whenever he drives alone and feel like he belongs to something whenever’s he sad.” Give your compilation a similar context.

Part 2
Beginning on page 82, as Charlie and his family are riding in their car on the way to see family for Christmas, Charlie subtly describes his family members in a way that reveals a lot about their character. For example:
-On 82, he says that, “My brother has a very full laugh.”
-On 83, he says that, “My sister rolls her eyes better than anyone.”
-On 84, he says that, “My mom and dad make a real team sometimes. It’s amazing to watch.”
-And on 85, about his grandma, he says that, “She always knew when someone was coming.”

For this part, describe 5 family members or friends in a short sentence much like Charlie does. Bullet/list format is sufficient.

1 comment:

kaykay said...

I think this will be my favorite blog of all! What a good idea!